• Question: What can you apply in computer science from physics?

    Asked by Daniel Tickle to MG on 10 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Maire Gorman

      Maire Gorman answered on 10 Nov 2015:


      Physics made computer science.

      CERN was where the internet was created-particle physics dudes had so much data from smashing together particles which
      a) they couldn’t keep on one machine
      b) they needed to share
      so hence enter Sir Bernard Lees 🙂

      More generally, these days all researchers in physics will be using computers-gone are the days of doing only hard core handwritten analytical calculations to research! (think hardcore Soviet scientists in the 60s)

      With the development of computers, physicists have been able to simulate equations and solve them. And also test out the theories put forward by scientists in the past who have gone through trees of paper solving equations by hand.
