• Question: what happens if you cannot match the spectral lines in a solution

    Asked by Bush Boy Origins #3 to Baljit, Jesus, Michael on 19 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Jesus Calvo-Castro

      Jesus Calvo-Castro answered on 19 Nov 2015:

      Hi @545sped27. Remember in science it is really important to understand your results so do not get discouraged by not obtaining the results you were told. By your question I guess you are talking about atomic spectrum (in more complex chemical systems like compounds what you see are broad peaks and not lines in the absorption and emission spectrum). First of all you need to know how pure your sample is and the conditions. Having different components in the sample will make it harder to analyse, especially if you do not know what the other minor components are. Also, if you are studying the absorption and emission properties, you need to pay attention to all experimental details, like any other source of light that you might have and will definitely interfere with your main signal.

    • Photo: Baljit Ghatora

      Baljit Ghatora answered on 19 Nov 2015:

      @545spwd27- there are databases we can use to help identify spectral lines- but if there is still no luck then think about how you made your sample it maybe something that has contaminated it- it’s all about eliminating errors
