• Question: Were you always good at science

    Asked by 787sped35 to Arlene, Baljit, Jesus, MG, Michael on 9 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Jesus Calvo-Castro

      Jesus Calvo-Castro answered on 9 Nov 2015:

      Hi. I have always been very curious about science and about trying to explain what I see. I think this has helped me in getting good grades in science

    • Photo: Baljit Ghatora

      Baljit Ghatora answered on 9 Nov 2015:

      I always enjoyed science but then I was really torn into doing sport too- so I even contemplated becoming a sports scientist too.

    • Photo: Maire Gorman

      Maire Gorman answered on 10 Nov 2015:

      I got 47% in physics in year 9 🙂

      Not I’m doing a PhD in physics!

      Big issue particularly with physics is that its a bit of a “catch-22” subject. Once you marry it with maths(around A level/undergrad) it all falls into place and becomes a lot easier. Maths is the language of physics! I know in GCSE its very conceptual-which is the hard stuff!

      So if you are reading this and struggling with the concepts but comfortable with maths, stick in…..
