• Question: what would your reaction be if you cured world hunger?

    Asked by Blood moon to Arlene, Baljit, Jesus, MG, Michael on 7 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Baljit Ghatora

      Baljit Ghatora answered on 7 Nov 2015:

      Utter shock!!! But then as a scientist we are quite greedy we want to keep achieving more…I would want to get countries to learn how to avoid hunger again…

    • Photo: Jesus Calvo-Castro

      Jesus Calvo-Castro answered on 8 Nov 2015:

      I actually think that scientist do not have much to do in this huge problem…it’s all about a fair share of the earth’s resources. Many countries in Africa whose population suffer from hunger are extremely wealthy but this wealth is own by a few.

    • Photo: Maire Gorman

      Maire Gorman answered on 10 Nov 2015:

      I would be delighted.

      Its an issue of distribution. We already have enough food to feed everyone in the world I am led to believe…..

      But in future problem could become worse with more droughts, viruses affecting the wheat crop and antibiotic resistant developing in livestock.
