• Question: why is the detection of nitromaromatic compounds so important? and how is this knowledge applicable outside of your workspace?

    Asked by maria to Jesus, Baljit on 19 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Baljit Ghatora

      Baljit Ghatora answered on 19 Nov 2015:

      Hi @maria- nitroaromatic compounds can be found in a variety of things- these include explosives- so the knowledge of these is useful everywhere- including pollution.

    • Photo: Jesus Calvo-Castro

      Jesus Calvo-Castro answered on 19 Nov 2015:

      Hi @maria. Sadly we currently live in times where terrorist attacks using explosives are quite frequent. Most of common explosives used in bombs are nitroaromatics (that means they contain NO2 groups and benzene rings). If we can selectively (interpreting which compound is present) and with enough sensitivity (being able to determine very low concentrations) we can in principle help avoiding these attacks by having devices with these sensors in places like airports, train and bus stations,…
